The Very Best
Breast Implants
& Augmentation
Re*be® is known in a wide area of the country as a center for procedures done under local anesthesia.
A breast implant is a medical device that is used to enhance the shape, appearance and feel of the breast. The implant is placed inside the body to add volume and shape to make the breast look and possibly feel better. The implants are made out of a silicone outer shell and filled with silicone gel or salt water (saline solution).
Dr. Kolegraff is a Fellow in the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery as well as a Fellow in the American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery.
Result May Differ
These photographs were taken immediately after the procedure.
The 375 cc smooth round implants were placed under the muscle using local anesthesia and some mild sedation taken by mouth (Ativan®). There is some swelling due to the local anesthesia but the immediate result looks good. Your results will be different.
Result May Differ
Results 3 Months
After Procedure
These photographs were taken 3 months after the procedure.
Both examples were placed under the muscle using local anesthesia and some mild sedation taken by mouth (Ativan®). There is some swelling due to the local anesthesia but the immediate result looks good. Your results will be different.
Breast Implant Frequently Asked Questions
Is a mammogram needed?
Yes. We do recommend a mammogram be done prior to getting breast implants. Your breast tissue will change after the surgery. Breast cancer is more common than most of us would like to believe and screening prior to a breast procedure such as breast implants is a very good idea. If you are getting regular mammograms now they need to be up to date prior to surgery.
Do implants affect breastfeeding?
Probably you will. We place the implants behind the breast tissue lifting your natural breast up and forward. The glands that make the milk are not disrupted much if at all from this procedure. Your breast tissue will likely work ok after the surgery.
How much does it cost?
We charge $5,400 to put in silicone gel implants under local anesthesia. We charge $8,600 to put in silicone gel implants in the hospital under general anesthesia.
You will need to purchase a post-surgical support bra.
Are saline and silicone different?
The implants are different basically only based on what fills the inside. Both implants however have very similar outer shells made of silicone elastomer (the bag part). The inside of a silicone implant is made of a silicone gel. The inside of a saline implant is filled with water containing a small amount of salt. The main difference is silicone implants feel more like the real thing. Saline implants can feel a bit more like water balloons.
Learn More
Breast Implant
Procedure Video
Watch our detailed video on a breast augmentation procedure.
Contact us today to learn more information about our different breast augmentation/implant procedures we offer at Rebe.