What we do

What Is
Laser Lipo

Laser Liposuction is done under local anesthesia at re*be® on the Face, neck chest upper arms, abdomen hips outer thighs, inner thighs flanks back and breast folds.

It is important to know that liposuction when done with the laser will remove fat and fat cells. We monitor temperature and when the fat cells reach a critical temperature they are destroyed by cooking them while inside your body. This is though to greatly reduce the chances of your fat cells coming back when compared to more selective fat removal techniques such as using ultrasound or a water stream to break up the fat cells.

4 days later

Love Handles

These photographs demonstrate the change that is possible with the Sciton ProLipo PLUS™ for laser liposuction.

The blue oval shapes block identifying marks on the front of this patient. These first two photos were taken only 4 days apart. Over time additional improvement could be expected as the swelling goes down. photo of post operative love handles from the front Only 4 days later There is really very little bruising which is not always possible.

5 weeks later

Lower Stomach

Demonstrating improvement in muscular definition for a female patient's abdomen that is possible with laser liposuction.

The asymmetric bulges and the shadows they cause have been addressed with the lower tummy liposuction. The shadows present before the procedure detract from the appearance however after laser liposuction the shadows that remain seem to enhance the muscular definition.

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